"I learned to love Mexican popular culture by walking around the stores in Centro. Markets have always been important to Mexico: their energy and popularity are similar to Moroccan souks. I’ve amassed quite a collection of trinkets and everyday utensils over the years. In 2015, we had the chance to showcase and market these finds, articles that seemed almost trivial to the locals. In a few months, our business began to grow. It’s was right time to spotlight Mexican culture."

Enrique Arellano & Libia Moreno

Rencontrez Enrique & Libia



A quick Google search of Enrique and Libia Morena will lead to an article with a picture of them both wearing colanders on their head. These two are fun, and weird, and interesting! Both coming from a design background, they knew right from their arrival in Mexico that the country was unique and incomparable in many aspects, but one thing absolutely fascinated them: everyday objects. As such, the couple opened the Utilitario Mexicano store, dedicated to everyday objects that are slowly going extinct in the modern world.

L'itinéraire - Une exclusivité Lartisien

An encounter with the owners

This immersion will begin at Utilitario Mexicano, Libia and Enrique's store dedicated to revisiting everyday objects but in the Mexican way. Those objects of daily use manufactured in series on a medium and large scale by small workshops or artisans. The experience continues with a trip to Colorindio, a company textile industry. The final part will invite guests to discover the work of Carla Fernandez, a Mexican fashion designer, who gained international recognition for preserving the textile heritage of Mexico's Indigenous communities.

Informations complémentaires


An experience for 2 people • 2,5 hours • This experience can be done Mondays to Fridays • From 400 euros - For 2 people • A shopping guide in the city to see the two projects of the couple, immerge yourselves in their vision of the art and craft.

Nos immersions à Mexico

Architecture de ville

Emmanuel Picault


Des offres exclusives, des inspirations inédites

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